Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Flames of Redfield Press Release

Flames of Redfield Press Release
Idea Birth Announces New Investigative Mystery Game, Flames of Redfield

Phoenix, AZ--Idea Birth is proud to announce that it will begin development of Flames of Redfield. The game will be an investigative mystery first person shooter, taking elements of successful games such as Condemned and Grand Theft Auto. By adding a large emphasis on the psychological aspect video games, Flames of Redfield promises to -- if anything -- deliver an experience that will immerse the player in the depths of a murder mystery. Flames of Redfield will be released in December 21, 2012.

Flames of Redfield is a sandbox-style mystery first person shooter video game with role-playing elements developed by Idea Birth. The game takes place in the fictional town of Redfield in the late 1990's and follows an unnamed protagonist as he unravels clues to discover who murdered his wife, Miranda.

Idea Birth is a development business dedicated to providing players with realistic games with existing technology. For more information, visit www.ideabirth.co.cc.

Press Contact:
Ivan Montiel
Project Lead

Ryan Price
President of Sales and Marketing

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